DMCA Policy

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This Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy applies to and any related products and services (collectively, the “Services”), and describes how the operator of this website (“Operator”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) handles notices of copyright infringement and how you (“you” or “your”) can file a copyright infringement complaint. Protecting intellectual property is important to us, and we ask our users to do the same.

Before filing a copyright complaint with us, consider whether such use can be considered fair use.

The DMCA requires you to provide your personal information in a copyright infringement notice. If you are concerned about the privacy of your personal information, you can contact us and tell us about your concerns.

Notifications of Infringement

If you are a copyright owner or his agent and believe that any material available on our Services infringes your copyright, you may submit a written notice of copyright infringement (“Notice”) using the contact information provided below, in accordance with the DMCA. All such notices must comply with DMCA requirements.

Filing a DMCA complaint is the start of a predetermined legal process. Your complaint will be reviewed for accuracy, validity and completeness. If your complaint meets these requirements, our response may include removing or restricting access to allegedly infringing material.

If we remove or restrict access to content or close an account in response to a Notice of Alleged Infringement, we will make every effort to contact the affected user with information about the removal or restriction of access.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any part of this Policy, the Operator reserves the right to take no action upon receipt of a notice of DMCA copyright infringement if it does not comply with all DMCA requirements for such notices.

The process described in this Policy does not limit our ability to pursue any other remedies we may need to remedy an alleged violation.

Changes and Amendments

We reserve the right to change this Policy or its terms relating to the Website and Services at any time at our sole discretion. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page, post a notice on the home page of the website. We may also notify you in other ways at our discretion, such as through the contact information you provide.

An updated version of this DMCA Policy is effective immediately upon posting of the revised Policy, unless otherwise noted. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the effective date of the revised Policy will constitute your acceptance of those changes.

If you would like to notify us of the infringing material or activity, we encourage you to contact us through the form given below:

This document was last updated on November 14, 2022

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